Adjutant Chess is a variant of Alternative Chess. The rules are the same as in orthodox chess, except that one extra piece (or two) per player is placed in the reserve. The Adjutant slides in any direction, but on the orthogonals it slides only on one colour. The opposite colour squares are simply ignored. The Adjutant's value is 6, that is, the same as rook + pawn. The Adjutant is really an enhanced bishop that can also move orthogonally. Its main weakness is that it cannot give mate together with the king. The Adjutant was invented by M. Winther in September 2007.

Players may either move a piece or pawn, or drop the extra piece from the reserve. Pieces may only be dropped on a friendly pawn on the second rank. The removed friendly pawn must immediately be relocated two squares ahead of the dropped piece. This position, and the position in between, must be empty. If not, the piece cannot be dropped on the friendly pawn.

Adjutant [of 'adjutare' to help] : a staff officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who assists the commanding officer and is responsible esp. for correspondence.

Adjutant Chess, exampleThe Adjutant also slides on the orthogonals by ignoring the opposite colour squares.