R. W. Schmittberger’s

Airplane Chess

introducing the Airplane

Airplane Chess

The objective is checkmate. Pieces move as in orthodox chess, with the exception of the additional pieces, the “Airplane”, the “Minister” (N + R), and the “Cardinal” (N + B). The Cardinal slides like a bishop or leaps like a knight. It is somewhat weaker than a queen. The Minister slides like a rook or leaps like a knight. Its value corresponds to a queen. The Airplane flies to any empty square orthogonally or diagonally. It captures an enemy piece by landing immediately beyond its victim. On this board the Airplane’s value corresponds to a rook (my estimate).

The pawns move as in orthodox chess, inclusive of the initial double-step. The pawns, except the centre pawns, can also make an initial triple-step. ‘En passant’ can occur if the pawn moves two or three steps and passes a square threatened by an enemy pawn. Castling exists, but the King jumps three squares. Promotion rules are the same as in orthodox chess, with the addition of the extra pieces. The Airplane cannot force a mate together with a king. The defending party can step into the corner. If you advance too boldly with the pawns, they can easily fall prey to the Airplane. Airplane Chess was invented by R. W. Schmittberger, 1981. (I have added a simplified variant, without the Minister and the Cardinal. This is a suggestion by me.)

Airplane chess, exampleThe Airplane can capture the pawn and the knight by landing behind them."

  You can download my free Airplane Chess program here (updated 2021-11-22), but you must own the software Zillions of Games to be able to run it (I recommend the download version).

  Don’t miss my other chess variants.

© M. Winther 2007 May